Process start with webhook

In a SaaS environment, users have the ability to initiate process execution through webhooks, providing a seamless way to trigger process start. By following these instructions, users can effortlessly trigger the start of processes using webhooks and observe subsequent activity on user or service tasks.


Before initiating the process started by webhook, it is essential to ensure that the desired process model has been successfully deployed within the SaaS platform.

It is important to note that draft versions of process models cannot be started via webhook. Once the process model is deployed, users can proceed to the Activity mode, which serves as the central hub for real-time process monitoring and execution.

Webhook URL

Within the Activity mode interface, users can locate and click on the play button, which reveals a sidebar containing various process start options. Users should focus on the section titled "Process Start with Webhook." Here, they will find a dedicated unique webhook URL to the specific process. The structure of this virtual email box is as follows:{{process_uuid}} Sending an email to this virtual email box will automatically trigger the start of the associated process.

Each process has a webhook URL:{{process_uuid}} For example

Process execution

To access this webhook, users are required to provide an authorization token as an environment token in the header. Additionally, all mandatory data required to start the process must be provided as parameters in the JSON payload. This documentation includes examples of JSON payloads to facilitate a better understanding of the process start workflow.

  1. Call URL: Make a call to process specific webhook URL{{process_uuid}}

  2. Authorisation: To ensure secure access to the webhook, an authorization token must be included in the request header. Users need to retrieve the environment token and add it to the header (Find it in User area > Organization settings > Environments)

  3. Process mandatory data: Process mandatory fields refer to the specific data elements or attributes that are required to be provided during the initiation of a process as parameters. These fields are essential for the successful start and proper execution of the process. When using a webhook to trigger the process start, these mandatory fields need to be included as parameters in the JSON payload.

  "headers": {
    "authorization": "{environment_token}"
  "payload": {
    "customerName": "John Doe",
    "orderNumber": "123456",
    "productCode": "ABC123"

In this example, the process requires the parameters "customerName," "orderNumber," and "productCode" to be provided. Replace the example values with the relevant information for your specific process.

Last updated