User task
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A user Task is a specific task that requires human interaction. It's like a job or a chore on your to-do list that can't be done by a machine or a computer. It needs a person, like you, to complete it.
Set a time limit to resolve task
Every user task has a specific objective that requires human dedication and resolution. With the Stackflows concept, we do not assign tasks directly to individuals, but instead, we believe that they should be assigned to any relevant organization unit within the organization. From there, individuals within the organization units can assign tasks from a shared task pool in our user area and work on resolving them.
Whenever a process reaches a specific step or node, chosen organization units will be assigned a task.
Assign one or many organization units
Changes will be automatically saved
If a user assigns a task to themselves, they can set a time frame within which the task needs to be resolved. Once the task is assigned to the user, a countdown begins, and if the allocated time elapses, the task will be returned to the organization unit task pool.
This is how it looks from a human perspective in the user area:
Priorities are utilized to arrange tasks within the user area for humans. This ensures that the most important tasks are displayed at the top of the task list for easy visibility and prompt attention.
This is how it looks from a human perspective in the user area:
Each task may be associated with a specific deadline date and time. This means that the chosen date and time will be clearly indicated for both organization units and humans, serving as a reminder that the task needs to be completed by the specified deadline.
To establish a deadline, select a duration that indicates the amount of time a human will have to resolve a task, starting from the moment the task was created or choosing an exact date.
You are able to find documentation on user task advanced setting